Replace Lost or Stolen Licence Plate

For a stolen licence plate, you should immediately report it to your nearest police station. Once you make your report, come into Registry On Wye to declare the plate lost or stolen, this is in your best interest so you are not liable for anything that occurs while the plate is out of your possession. At this time, you will get a new plate.

If your licence plate went missing (and was not stolen), you do not need to report it to the police, rather just come straight into Registry On Wye to declare the plate missing and get a replacement.

HOW DO YOU replace a lost or stolen licence plate?

When you come into Registry On Wye, please bring in:

  • Your driver’s licence or two pieces of identification
  • Your licence plate number (if you know it)

PLEASE NOTE: The person who comes in to the office must have their name on the registration. If there are two people listed on the registration, you must obtain written authorization from the other person on the registration. An authorization for vehicle services must be filled out by all person unable to be physically present in the office. Authorization forms can be faxed to 780-417-7309 or email to